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You, too, can fully recover!

Are you tired of...

  • Never feeling satiated?

  • Always craving the 'wrong' foods?

  • Being unable to trust your intuition and your hunger-fulness cues?

  • Struggling with low mood and food obsession?

  • Experiencing bodily discomfort and physical ailments?

  • Feeling judged for your food choices, uncertain about how to navigate the food-space?

  • Feeling exhausted and a slave to the disordered thoughts?

  • Forcing yourself to go to the gym daily?

  • Cutting out increasingly more foods?

  • Losing your libido, your hair, your concentration, and your drive?

  • Having tried everything, but nothing working?

Let me show you that there is another way! A way to...

  • Increase your metabolism

  • Get your period back

  • Reach and maintain a healthy weight without feeling deprived

  • Reprogram and rewire your beliefs about food and yourself

  • Find enjoyment in exercise again

  • Prioritize your life and enjoyment over the number on the scale

  • Work with your body rather than against it

  • Re-regulate your hunger-fulness cues and feel satisfied on 'normal' quantities of food

  • Eat freely while healing your gut and digestion

  • Find balance and purpose in your life in a way that is unique to you and sustainable

This time last year I was lost - unable to move on stuck in a restriction cycle in the relapse of an eating disorder. I hated myself, compared myself to others and just had zero confidence and life. I was sucked into the element of control and was terrified of everything. I didn’t know what my life was going to hold or when it was really going to begin. I really had to dig deep to realise why I wanted to heal and what I wanted to do with my life. I reached out to Hanne after breaking down and revealing everything to my parents . Hanne has been an incredible support system and has given me lots of strategies and space to vent, held me accountable for facing fear foods, reminded me of my ‘why’s’ and just an essential to how much progress I have made.


I am now solo travelling for a few months before starting uni! I still have a way to go but facing challenges and learning lots all the time and still can’t believe how far I have come (I still have lows but thanks to Hanne I have more coping mechanisms and quotes/reminders to build me back up again. Thank you so much Hanne, I highly recommend her and reaching out is such a big step forward. - Catriona, UK

Recovery coaching includes...


  • Weekly coaching calls with Hanne, with weekly goals, reflections, assignments and guidance

  • Unlimited between-sessions support via WhatsApp

  • Step-by-step recovery approach 100% tailored to you

  • Recovery approach based in evidence-based CBT-techniques

  • Resources spanning from meal planning guidelines, mindfulness exercises, cognitive rewiring tools, and others to help you build a sustainable foundation for long-term healing and success

The Reset & Recovery program includes...

  • 8 very intensive weeks worth of recovery content to support and guide you through any roadblocks in your recovery (including 62 sections!)

  • Reflections, exercises, and quizzes after each topic to teach you invaluable recovery skills

  • A combination of written and video content, with helpful handouts and exercises to teach you how to approach recovery step by step, and to put your learning into action

  • Case examples of individuals I have worked with in the past

  • Section summaries and downloadable PDF files

  • Recovery tools and techniques based on evidence

  • BONUS discounts on 1:1 coaching and additional support

  • Lifetime access to the private portal where you can find all the lessons, tools, and handouts

  • + Access to the private group recovery community for daily posts, community, and question-response

  • + Individual and group coaching sessions for maximal support, with four biweekly Q&A calls to attend LIVE (or watch the playback recordings)

  • One 25-minute one-on-one Individual Assessment with me, where we'll review what to expect for the next 8 weeks, and where we'll establish your personal goals and set up your online resources

  • + BONUS Recipe Database & Recovery Meal Support Guide to keep you on track with your recovery nutrition (including meal planning tips, templates and journalling and other tools)

Reset and Recovery eating disorder program

I‘ve tried quite a few different things in order to recover by now, but nothing has helped me as much as working with Hanne. For me she is like a recovery buddy, friend and therapist all in one. Due to her own experiences she really understands what I‘m going through and is able to give a lot of very useful advices. I believe that only with her help I‘ve come to the place I‘m at now. So if you are considering working with a recovery coach Hanne is definitely a good choice. - Fenja, DE

I’ve had therapists and psychologists before, which did help with some issues and concerns I have. However, ever since I transitioned to the weekly 1-1 recovery coaching, I have felt a significant difference in my recovery journey. Hanne has not only been able to provide support, advice and encouragement, but she has also been able to reflect and relate to various aspects and areas of ED recovery on a deeper and more personal level.


She is extremely quick in listening and attending to various concerns and thoughts. I’ve been able to make steps towards facing fear foods and social, emotional and mental challenges and have made steady positive progress. This has allowed me to find more enjoyment and excitement in eating, being more flexible with plans and routines and taking myself out of my comfort zone, facing challenges head-on!


Hanne encourages you to look at all the positive areas in the rough road to recovery and is an extremely supportive coach who motivates me through all the hurdles and difficulties I’ve experienced. She also reminds me of the importance of reflection, journalling and ‘pushing through’ the discomfort at times, as an essential process for me to achieve my goals in recovery and my future life, happiness and health!


Furthermore, prior to having the recovery coaching calls, I purchased Hanne’s 21-Day Recovery program. Throughout the course, I learned many valuable, helpful and important areas in ED recovery. The skills regarding challenging automatic negative thoughts were particularly useful for me. I find the negative voices and thoughts to be one of the hardest things to overcome in recovery, and the practical information and advice from the program have made it easier and more manageable for me to do.


After the course, I also joined Hanne’s 8-Week Recovery Programme and found the course to be incredibly informative, insightful and helpful for me further along in my recovery journey. Throughout the program, Hanne broke down and provided me with a plethora of important information, advice, tools, strategies and coping mechanisms that I can learn,  practice and use in recovery.


The programme provided me with so many crucial and valuable strategies;  externalising thoughts and positive reframing, positive vs. negatives lists, positive mantras, positive body affirmations, recovery facts and reminders, challenging fear foods, proper nutrition and building a balanced plate, worst case-scenario and worry writing, taming the inner critic (ED voices), challenging preconceived beliefs, goal setting(envisioning the future) and so much more!


Thus far, I have incorporated and practised several of the tips, info and tools given and I've noticed quite a big positive shift in my mindset and feelings (mentally,  physically and emotionally) in my recovery. Overall, I found 1-1 recovery coaching with the additions of the 21-Day program and 8-Week Recovery Programme to be extremely valuable, beneficial and helpful for me in my recovery journey and I  am looking forward to continuing this journey with Hanne’s help and guidance. My parents have also been equally impressed with the information and guidance provided, and have been able to learn and understand a lot more about the recovery process from an Eating Disorder. I would have no hesitation in recommending this to anyone who is considering it! - Shareffa, SG

Copyright © 2022 Hanne Arts. All rights reserved. /// As a coach, I am not a licensed health or mental health practitioner. The content of this website is provided for general information purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical, psychological and/or nutritional advice. Do not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating any medical or psychiatric condition. If you have, or suspect you have, any symptoms requiring attention, contact your licensed healthcare provider. Disclaimer // Terms // Privacy policy

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